Cannock Chase Trekking Centre
We were delighted to win the contract for a brilliant trekking centre visitors centre and manège on Cannock Chase in Staffordshire.
This was a three-stage project involving the construction of a covered riding arena, a visitor’s centre, and extensive external works. The project had a tight programme in order to get the arena and visitors centre open for our clients growing business needs. The work involved the removal of some 6000 tonnes of soil to form building footprints and access paths. All civils and groundworks were completed using out own growing groundworks team.
A large incoming electric main was required to serve the new buildings and to provide additional capacity for future expansion. Due to the site’s remote location on the fringe of Cannock Chase, we had to work with Western Power to develop the most effective solution. During the works, a requirement for additional land drainage was discovered and through liaison, with the design team, a solution was developed and installed.
Ultimately this complex project was delivered successfully to the highest standards and was opened on time. On building handover, the Client, Lis Gregory, expressed her delight in the final product.